How can I set up an appointment with you?

Click Here to begin the process of setting up your first appointment. By filling out this form, we can set up a time to chat over the phone, find a day and time for your initial session, and then you will be sent a link to fill out all you paper work. It's easy and convenient.

How do I find the right therapist for me?

Some great places to start are Psychology Today and Good Therapy. You can also ask your doctor, insurance company, school, or place of worship for a referral list. Friends and family can also be a great resource to point you to people they may know who practice counseling. If you’re on this page and aren’t finding what you’re looking for, I am more than happy to help point you to a therapist that would be a great fit for you.

What should I expect at my first session?

During our first session together, we will chat over your initial intake form, discuss some formalities, and come up with the best for treatment for you. This is done collaboratively. I believe that my clients know their stories better than I do, and I do not assume the role of “expert” on your life. My job is to create emotional safety for you to process, provide unbiased feedback, and offer insight and suggestions that may help your healing along. I do not push any client to any type of therapy they are not ready to explorer, and I do not ask my clients to go emotionally where I myself have not gone.